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The Optimal Life



A continuing education course for 2/5/7 ces
consisting of reading and taking a post-test on:

The Optimal Life
by Stephen Bizal, D.C.

“Patients carry their own doctor inside. They come to us not knowing that truth. We are at our best when we give the physician, who resides within each of us, a chance to work.”

Albert Schweitzer, M.D.,OM, Theologian, Philosopher, Physician


You may take

Part One: The Wholistic Health Model for 2 ceus,

Part Two: The Ten Principles of Wellness for 5 ceus,

or the Entire Course for 7 ceus

Clinicians will be able to assist their patients toward wellness and wholeness in
by following the tenets in The Optimal Life.

“The future success of mental health professionals lies in the therapist’s ability to embrace an understanding of the new health paradigm based upon Quantum Physics/Mechanics and the two core principles of “holism” (the mind-body-spirit-emotion connection) and “energy” (everything in the universe is energetic and vibrational frequency)…that typically have not been part of either the core academic curriculum or licensure requirement. As the incidence of mental health issues and chronic degenerative disease continue to escalate and reach epidemic proportions in the United States what becomes painfully obvious is the failure of the “conventional” medical model - founded upon the Newtonian Physics principles of materialism, reductionism, and determinism. This course provides the tools and knowledge clinicians need to better educate and empower patients to accept greater responsibly for creating greater mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health and healing based upon “The Wholistic Health Model©” and the universal principles that govern health.”

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Your test will be graded online, so the moment you have passed, you may print out your certificate of completion.

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The Optimal Life
Learning Objectives are:

Part One: The Wholistic Health Model©
This course will help clinicians:

1. Apply an integrated “whole-person” clinical approach to improve patient care outcomes
2. Implement Wellness/Lifestyle and Healthy-Aging solutions to treat patients who are also suffering from chronic degenerative disease conditions and can lead to lowering patient dependency on medications.
3. Educate and empower their patients to be more responsible and pro-active in self-care.
4. Identify the Universal Principles (Spiritual Laws and Laws of Nature) that govern health and healing outcomes
5. Identify environmental factors that adversely affect patient health and healing dynamics.

Part Two: Ten Principles of Wellness

This course will help clinicians:
1. Apply an integrated “whole-person” clinical approach to improve patient care outcomes.
2. Implement Wellness/Lifestyle and Healthy-Aging solutions to treat patients who are also suffering from chronic degenerative disease conditions and can lead to lowering patient dependency on medications.
3. Educate and empower their patients to be more responsible and pro-active in self-care.
4. Implement simple and effective deep-breathing techniques to help patients manage stress and lower high blood pressure,
5. Apply nutritional guidelines to help manage the chemical and hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies that are a result of unhealthy lifestyles and that adversely affect mental and emotional health.
6. Apply physical activity guidelines to improve patient care outcomes
7. Advise patients on healthy lifestyle issues to improve mental and emotional health

Parts One and Two: All of the Above



Table of Contents


Foreward …………………………………………………………………………………...xi


Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………1


Part One:  The Wholistic Health Model


Chapter 1: Mind-Body-Spirit-Emotion (The Wholistic Nature of Humanity) ………23


Chapter 2: Rules of Health (Universal Principles that Govern Health) ……………....47


Chapter 3: Why People Get Sick (Understanding Disease) …………………………....67



Part Two: What the Body Needs – The Ten Principles of Wellness


Chapter 4 – Principle #1 …………………………………………………………………111

Healthy Spiritual Energy (Heal Spiritual Imbalances)


Chapter 5 – Principle #2 …………………………………………………………………131

Healthy Emotions (Take Care of Unfinished Emotional Business)


Chapter 6 – Principle #3 …………………………………………………………………164

Healthy Thoughts (Change Inaccurate & Limiting Belief Systems)


Chapter 7 – Principle #4 …………………………………………………………………188

Oxygen (Breathe Deep)


Chapter 8 – Principle #5 …………………………………………………………………206

Water (Hydrate)


Chapter 9 – Principle #6 …………………………………………………………………219

Sunlight (Bask in Natural Full-Spectrum Light)


Chapter 10 – Principle #7 ………………………………………………………………..228

             Acid/Alkaline pH Balance (Restore Acid/Alkaline pH Balance)


Chapter 11 – Principle #8 ………………………………………………………………..244

Hormone Balance (Correct Hormone Imbalances)


Chapter 12 – Principle #9 ………………………………………………………………..266

Nature’s Nutrition (Eat “Live” Foods!)


Chapter 13 – Principle #10 ………………………………………………………………316

             Physical Activity (Move the Body!) 







Excerpt from The Optimal Life

Our Emotions & Feelings
Our emotions and feelings have a profound impact on our health. There is an intimate and direct relationship between our emotions and feelings and the physiology of the cells in the body. For every feeling there are physiological, hormonal, and chemical changes that occur in the body. Painful feelings like fear, anger, guilt, shame, and sadness adversely affect our state of well being. These painful feelings are the natural consequence of unresolved emotional issues (“emotional incompletions”) from childhood that we carry forward into our adult life.
So, what are our emotions and feelings? How do they affect health? The terms “emotions” and “feelings” are used interchangeably by most authoritative sources. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary defines emotion as “a physiological departing from homeostasis (balance) that is subjectively experienced in strong feeling (as of love, hate, desire or fear) and manifests itself in neuromuscular, cardiovascular, hormonal and other body changes...” Webster also defines feelings as “an emotional state.” By this definition we see that emotion is described within the context of its effect on the physiology of the body.
As previously stated, quantum physics suggests that everything in the universe, at an essential level, is information and energy, and that energy possesses a vibrational frequency that describes the quality of itself. If this is true, then every emotion and feeling, also expressions of human energy, possesses a specific vibrational frequency that reflects some quality of energy, and it is the quality of this emotional energy that determines its effect on the physiology of the cells that in turn influences the quality of our health.
Research has shown that strong emotions, both joyful and painful feelings, cause changes in the biochemistry of the body. While positive emotions of joy, gratitude, and peacefulness enhance energy flow in the body and cause beneficial change to the physiology that support health, painful or negative emotions such as fear, anger, guilt, and shame restrict energy flow in the body, causing physiological, hormonal, and chemical change that lead to illness and disease. We could say that positive energy affects cells in a positive and healthy way, while negative energy affects cells in a negative and unhealthy way.

Unfinished Emotional Business
What do we mean by “unfinished emotional business” and how does it affect our health? With unfinished emotional business—unresolved emotions or emotional incompletions—we are referring to the painful feelings such as fear, anger, resentment, guilt, shame, hatred, inferiority, worthlessness, and sadness that we initially experienced in childhood and are still carrying with us today as adults.
Our unfinished emotional business is considered unresolved and therefore incomplete because it was never dealt with, resolved, or released at the time they were experienced. We could say that we got stuck in those painful feelings as children. The reason we got stuck in the first place is because as children we lacked the necessary tools—personal power, knowledge, and life’s experiences—to accurately interpret and then deal effectively and appropriately with what happened to us.
We carry unfinished emotional business with us into adulthood that continues to cause emotional discomfort. Every unresolved emotion holds your body in a state of “heterostasis,” a condition of physiological imbalance.
The phenomenon that describes the body’s ability to hold onto painful feelings from past events is “cellular memory.” Every emotional and physical trauma you experience in your life is recorded by your cells. It is this cellular memory that explains why emotional discomfort experienced in childhood can still be present in our adult life, even though the emotional trauma may have happened long ago and has even been forgotten at a conscious level. Unresolved emotional issues remain an active and prevalent part of our subconscious mind until raised to a conscious level to be identified, confronted and resolved (healed). It is for this reason that there exists an intimate and direct relationship between unresolved, painful emotions in a person’s life and illness and disease.
Some psychologists believe that depression is nothing more than unresolved anger turned inward, and that cancer is nothing but the physical expression of the energy of anger creating major physiological imbalance in the body. With greater awareness and understanding we would probably find that every illness and disease process is rooted in some way to unresolved emotional pain in a person’s life.
The Law of Responsibility is another Universal Principle which states that everything we experience in our life we create at some level. This can be a difficult pill for some to swallow. We previously stated that most of the disease processes that we have created in our life have a strong connection to unresolved emotional issues. Our lack of awareness of this dynamic, whether out of denial or ignorance, will not excuse us from experiencing the truth and consequences of this reality. But based upon our power to create and our freedom to choose, we possess the ability to recreate anything and everything in our lives that is not working for us. We need only be genuinely open to the possibilities.

Our Thoughts & Belief Systems
There is an intimate and direct relationship between the thoughts we think, what happens at the cellular level in our bodies, and the health we experience. Our thoughts are an extension of our belief systems. Our belief systems are that which we hold to be true about ourselves and the world around us. That which we believe to be true provides the foundation for our decision making processes: not only what we think, but why we think that way. Our judgments and subsequent actions are based upon these beliefs.
Our beliefs are either accurate—in alignment with truth and the way things really are, or inaccurate—not in alignment with truth. If our beliefs are in alignment with the way things really are, then the decisions we make and the actions we take create a certain outcome. On the other hand, if what we believe to be true is, in fact, not true, then the decisions we make and the subsequent actions we take based upon those decisions will create a different outcome. All outcomes we experience reflect the accuracy of our beliefs.
All health, illness, and disease we experience are an expression of the accuracy of our belief systems regarding the truth about health—what health is and what health is not.



Dr. Stephen Bizal, D.C. is a wholistic health educator, wellness consultant, and certified corporate trainer based in Newport Beach, CA. 


He is the creator of the Wellness Mastery™ EmPOWERment Programs that enhance quality of life and empower others in health and healing based upon wholistic (mind-body-spirit-emotion connection) and Universal Principles (spiritual laws & laws of nature) that govern health. Dr. Bizal’s Wellness Mastery™ health programs identify and correct the underlying chemical imbalances, hormone imbalances and nutritional deficiencies associated with chronic degenerative disease.


Dr. Bizal is the author of The Optimal Life, Empowering Health, Healing & Longevity (2008), The Optimal Life, The Manual, How to Create your Personal Wellness Program (2009), The Wholistic Health Model© (2008), Ten Principles of Wellness (2008), Ten Principles of Healing (2008), and Corporate Healing, the Ultimate Corporate Strategy for Success (2004).  He has been teaching and speaking on human potential, wellness and leadership for the past 25 years and his “Wellness/Lifestyle Medicine & Healthy-Aging” educational program is approved for continuing education for medical (CME) and chiropractic (CEU) healthcare professionals in CA. He holds a BS in Accounting from Pennsylvania State University and a BS in Biology, Doctor of Chiropractic, and Postdoctoral Certifications in Disability Evaluation and Industrial Consulting from Southern California University of Health Sciences.  Please visit Dr. Bizal's website at www.DrBizal.com.


APA Ethics

We do adhere to the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Our courses are carefully screened by the Planning Committee to adhere to APA standards. We also require authors who compose Internet courses specifically for us follow APA ethical standards.

Many of our courses contain case material, and may use the methods of qualitative research and analysis, in-depth interviews and ethnographic studies. The psychotherapeutic techniques depicted may include play therapy, sandplay therapy, dream analysis, drawing analysis, client and therapist self-report, etc. The materials presented may be considered non-traditional and may be controversial, and may not have widespread endorsement within the profession. www.psychceu.com maintains responsibility for the program and its content.

Cost of the 2 unit course is $30

Cost of the 5 unit course is $75

Cost of the 7 unit course is $90

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The Optimal Life

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