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"I can't think of one good thing about getting older!" "My dear, consider the alternative..." |
TLC for our Elders A
3 unit course
interventions |
Loving Care is a course in three parts, each part can be taken separately for
3 ce in fulfillment of the CA BBS
mandated requirement Aging and Long Term Care, or the entire course may be taken
for 10 ces.
Part II: Therapeutic interventions addressing the biological, social, and psychological aspects of aging, including 'red flags' and signs of elder abuse
Learning Objectives In this 3 unit course, the clinician will be able to:
This course meets the qualifications for 3 hours of continuing education units
maintains responsibility for the program. |
In fulfillment of the CA BBS mandated requirement: Aging
and Long Term Care 3.
Aging and Long Term Care New Info Button
In fulfillment of the CA Board of Psychology mandated requirement: Psychologists
renewing their license on or after January 1, 2005 will be required
to have proof of completion of a three hour CE course in aging and
long-term care or show proof to the board of its equivalent in teaching
or practicing experience. This is a one-time requirement. |
are old age, sickness, and death the common lot of all humanity?" attributed to the Buddha on the road to enlightenment |
Edith appeared depressed when we met. At 79, she was isolated and in ill health. Her recent fall had increased her fears of dependency, and she resented having to stay at her daughter's home. Dr. A. had referred her to me, concerned about her chronic complaints and unhappiness. He told me, "I am in over my head with Edith. Nothing I do seems to help." (A rare physician! He was able to acknowledge the benefits of psychotherapy, and knew that when ALL interventions failed, it could be indicative of a depression, or underlying emotional factors.) Due to severe osteoporosis, Edith was in pain much of the time; unable to tend her garden. "I can't bend down to weed anymore, and my back hurts to much to plant new things. My garden is dying..." Edith had spent much of her time watching TV or listening to the radio. It didn't matter what was on. She just wanted to hear human voices. She was terrified of falling again. She had learned from the National Osteoporosis Foundation that:
Edith's daughter, Meredith, lived nearby, and had taken up the tasks of most of her mother's care. Both of Edith's sons lived on the East Coast and she had few friends. Edith was isolated, unwilling for her remaining friends to see how stooped she had gotten. She had few outlets and felt alone. "I miss my sister, Gwendolyn. She wasn't supposed to die first, she was my baby sister. The cancer just raced through her. By the time she went to the doctor, they opened her up, closed her back up again, and sent her home to die. She's been gone a year now. Now every time I turn around, it seems another old friend has died." Edith hadn't been out at night for years, when her decreasing income had made it impossible to move from her home in a neighborhood which had gotten increasing dangerous. "The house is paid off. I can't pay rent; the property taxes are enough as it is. A mortgage? No, I wouldn't get anything for this house, in this neighborhood. And besides, my whole life has been in this house. I came here as a young bride; my children grew up here. I wouldn't know how to live anywhere else." After a friend had gotten mugged, Edith stopped leaving her house during the day as well. She would only go to the corner grocery store when she was completely out of food, and would only get what she could carry. As an older, physically impaired woman, she felt very vulnerable. Sadly, there was truth to this; as a society we do not honor and protect our elders. |
Elder abuse is a serious problem in our society, and must be reported, under California law, by therapists. California Laws Chapter 769, Statutes of 1986, Chapter 637, Statutes of 1987, and Chapter 1396, Statutes of 1987 provides for mandatory reporting of physical abuse when:
the victim reports that abuse has occurred or if you observe the incident when an injury or condition reasonably leads one to suspect that abuse has occurred.
Edith is experiencing many of the issues
of the elderly person in American society today:
chronic debilitating physical condition
chronic pain
loss of vision
loss of mobility
intermittent dementia
grief over the death of her sister and friends
physical vulnerability
possible elder abuse
age is no place for sissies." Bette Davis |
spiritual eyesight improves as the physical eyesight declines" |
We do adhere to the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists. Our courses are carefully screened by the Planning Committee to adhere to APA standards. We also require authors who compose Internet courses specifically for us follow APA ethical standards. Many of our courses contain case material, and may use the methods of qualitative research and analysis, in-depth interviews and ethnographic studies. The psychotherapeutic techniques depicted may include play therapy, sandplay therapy, dream analysis, drawing analysis, client and therapist self-report, etc. The materials presented may be considered non-traditional and may be controversial, and may not have widespread endorsement within the profession. www.psychceu.com maintains responsibility for the program and its content. |